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| Ghada, Amalthéenne |
At the beginning of Amalthea, we chose true, inspiring women and men to embody our values. Ghada, the founder of la Maison des Femmes, was obvious. She shows an incredible strength and embodies our definition of beauty. At Amalthea, we do not believe that beauty is related to age, standard or even an ideal that does not exist. Our aura defines our beauty
Supporting Ghada's project is defending equality between women and men. We are happy to organize two weeks of talks for the benefit of la Maison des Femmes on the themes of health, violence and self-esteem from October 25 to November 07
Over this period, Amalthea will donate 20% of revenues to la Maison des Femmes. You can also donate directly | in their website | or at our boutique
| Our talks' schedule |
Talk: 1 hour in French
Place: Amalthea boutique | 39 rue des Gravilliers 75003 Paris
Masks, distancing and sanitary passes are mandatory
Registrations are by email to
Wednesday 27 October at 7:30pm
Theme: Beauty & self-esteem
Hosted by Louise Oligny, photographe - Canadian, Louise has lived in France since 1989 where she works as a photographer / reporter. Currently in residence at la Maison des Femmes in Saint-Denis where in collaboration with the designer Clémentine du Pontavice, she leads photo and drawing creation workshops
Thursday 28 October at 7:30pm
Theme: medical prevention of breast and uterine cancer
Hosted by Tiphaine de Foucher, gynecologist at la Maison des Femmes and APHP - Breast cancer accounts for a third of all new cancer cases in women and the leading cause of cancer death in women. Each year, nearly 3,000 women develop uterus cancer and 1,000 die from it. Tiphaine will educate us on screening relating to these cancers. She will also tell us about her daily life since 2020 at la Maison des Femmes and CASAVIA
Thursday 04 November at 12:30pm
Theme: physical and psychological violence against women
Hosted by Ghada Hatem, founder of la Maison des Femmes - Since 2016, Ghada has been supporting women victims of violence at la Maison des Femmes in Saint Denis. She will tell us about the complete care of the victims in the place that she created and that she helps to recreate in France. She will give us advice to help us recognize the premises of violence, violence, and help women how get out of it
Thursday 04 November at 7:30pm
Theme: physical and psychological violence against women
Hosted by Sandrine Pegand, penal lawyer - Paris court - Recently, Sandrine defended a woman victim of violence in the kitchen. She did everything to publicize this trial to raise awareness on the subject of violence against women in the context of their work in the kitchen. Sandrine will give us the keys to better understand how justice works for the victims
Introduced by Ghada Hatem, founder of la Maison des Femmes
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