Gift Box | Body & Hair Cleansers

Gift Box | Body & Hair Cleansers

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Moment « body and soul »

This gift box includes one of our body cleansers and one of our shampoos in 200ml size. The body cleanser lasts c. 2 months, the shampoo c.4 months

For the body, you choose between Huile lavante, our shower oil, and Nettoyant corps, our shower gel. For the hair, you choose between Shampoing, our shampoo, and Shampoing Riche, our rich shampoo

Huile lavante | Shower oil

The shower oil cleanses your body very gently thanks to its two cleansing ingredients which are respectful of your skin and Nature. The shower oil leaves your skin soft after the shower. With more than 80% of Gold-of-Pleasure oil, the shower oil helps your skin elasticity and nourishes it. Huile lavante is perfect for very dry to dry skin

Gift Box | Body & Hair Cleansers Gift Box | Body & Hair Cleansers Gift Box | Body & Hair Cleansers
Gift Box | Body & Hair Cleansers

Nettoyant corps | Shower gel

With only safe ingredients which respect the skin and Nature, the Nettoyant corps gently cleanses your body. Our emulsifying ingredients combined with gentle cleansing ingredients wash while respecting your microbiome and enjoying a compact foam. The Orange Blossom flower water naturally perfumes your skin. The concentration in Sweet Almond oil leaves your body soft after cleansing

Shampoing & Shampoing Riche | Shampoo & Rich shampoo

After more than two years in R&D, our shampoos are unique in the market. With only safe ingredients and gentle cleansers that respect the skin and Nature (no sulfate, SLS, SCI,...), our shampoos gently cleanse the hair while respecting your scalp. Our prebiotic active contributes to its balance and strengthens the microbiological barrier of the skin. The hair is soft, silky and easily detangled

The concentration in Plum oil in the rich shampoo, and Sweet Almond oil in the shampoo deeply nourishes the hair. And in addition, our shampoos foam. The shampoo is for normal to oily scalp. The rich shampoo is perfect for dry scalp

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