How to to avoid the inconvenience associated with face mask?



Amalthea | Face cleanser

Face mask destabilizes the skin's balance leading to rosacea and acne problems among others. The water vapor effect is quite radical. Please find below my advice to avoid the inconvenience associated with face mask

Cotton masks are more gentle on the skin (aside from being more environmental-friendly) than surgical masks which are made of plastic. For safety reasons, I advise you to use a cotton mask in 3 layers AFNOR 1 (French norm)

Wearing a clean and dry face mask is also very important for the skin. It is recommended to change it every 4 hours or as soon as it gets wet

As soon as you are done wearing your face mask, I advise you to take the time to cleanse your skin well. Use your fingers for a gentle and efficient cleansing with our | cleansing water | or | cleansing oil |

Once cleansed, it is time to put some face cream to rehydrate the skin and then your oil to nourish it. Don't hesitate to add as much as you need

In the morning, before putting on your face mask, put some of your oil under the mask area on your skin which will be protected from water vapor. For those who react to water vapor in the shower, it's the same before the shower

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