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We believe that well-being is key. Therefore we set up workshops to explore different aspects of the well-being. These workshops take place in our Parisian boutique which is located at 39, rue des Gravilliers in the 3rd arrondissement
To open these workshops, I chose the theme of harmony which special to me. Indeed Amalthea started with a need to realign my life with my personal values. This is this harmony that today makes me wake up happy
Here are the dates of our workshops:
9 April (7:30pm - 9:15pm): Yoga (vinyasa flow) and sophrology workshop with Holissence
2 May (7:30pm - 8:45pm): Yoga workshop (vinyasa flow) with Caroline, the Yoginist, who presents her vision of Harmony: "The harmony of sounds, colors, hearts... everyone looks for it in its own way and yet we tend to forget the most essential: the harmony of body and mind. Yoga plays an essential role; a tool for coordinating our movements with our emotions, yoga creates this precious link between body and mind. Light, pleasant and even necessary, the harmony can take place »
May 15 (7:30 pm-9:30 pm): Workshop on the Inner Harmony with Eva, the French Coconut, who explains the importance of routines
At Amalthea, we believe at lot about the importance of positive thoughts, of focus ourselves on positive
Here are the dates of our workshops:
28 May (7:30 pm - 9:15 pm): yoga (vinyasa flow) workshop and sophrology with Holissence
12 June (7:45 pm - 9:00 pm): meditation in mindfulness workshop « positive: the magic is inside me » by Anne-Gabrielle, MBSR instructor (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction). Please find more information on her website
27 June (7:45 pm - 9:15 pm): workshop about the entrepreneurial adventure, with the feedback of Alexandrine, Selon Alex. Please find more information about her interest in cosmetics ingredients on her Instagram page
This theme echoes to Amalthea intrinsic values. Nurturing mother of Zeus, Amalthea embodies a return to the roots. I would like, through this theme, make you discover different ways to find yourself, anchor yourself, to go back to the essential
Here are the dates of our workshops:
11 September (7:45 pm - 8:45 pm): Nidra yoga workshop with Slo.Time
Nidra yoga means conscious sleep. With the help of nidra yoga, the practitioner experiences a triple relaxation: physical, mental, emotional. Extreme relaxation allows, in an internalized state, to go to the source of oneself, to return to the world, in a pacified, concentrated, performing and creative state. You are invited to experience this workshop led by Garlone Bardel
The workshop is free. Please send us an email to register
26 September (7:45 pm - 8:45 pm): feelings and face workshop with Kalyan
During this workshop, there will be exploration of the meridians of the face, discovery of emotions related to each area of the face, practice of the yoga of the face, breathing and meditation. Discover the world of Kalyan | here |
We invite you to donate in mindfulness at the end of the workshop. Please send us an email to register
10 October (7:45 pm - 8:45 pm): Stråla yoga workshop with Agnieszka Thanks to a short meditation and Stråla we will experience the return to the essential, the reconnection to ourselves. Stråla is a practice based on feeling and intuition without a binding rule. Being attentive to what we experience, we develop the natural movement and we move towards ease. Discover more about Agnieszka | on her Instagram page |
The workshop is free. Please send us an email to register
16 October (7:45 pm - 8:45 pm): Garlone Bardel, Slo.Time co-founder, will animate a Satsang workshop « When the art of feeding resonates with the back to the roots ». Based on the ancient texts of yoga from more than 5,000 years ago to write her book, Yoga Cookbook, she discovered how the art of nourishing according to the yoga recalls the urgency of our present needs of essential, of the respect of the Earth. This art invites us fully to reconnect with the common sense and the source of life: vital energy! Please discover Slo.Time | on its Instagram page |
The workshop is free and in collaboration with | Dim Dam Dom |
30 October (7:45 pm - 9:00 pm): Veronica will animate a yoga workshop about « Mooladhara Chakra ». This workshop will focus on Mooladhara, our roots chakra. After an initial introduction on positions and functions, the practice of asanas (postures) and pranayama (breaths) will be dedicated to the reactivation of the chakra. A few minutes of meditation and the final relaxation will allow us to integrate the benefits of the workshop. Please discover more about Veronica | on her website |
The workshop is for everyone. Veronica invites you to donate to | La Maison des Femmes |
17 December (7:45pm - 9:00pm): « open heart » meditation workshop by Anne-Gabrielle, who animated another one in June. Before the holiday season, we invite you to slow down and take care of yourself, to experiment with practices from ancestral traditions, such as Mindfulness Meditation or Mudras, to create a caring space, welcoming and open-minded. Please learn more about Anne-Gabrielle | on her website |
The workshop is open to everyone. There are 10 available spots. Anne-Gabrielle invites you to donate | to la Maison des Femmes |Please register by email to
We let you soon the next workshops
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